When I started the challenge, my plan was that I just needed to do anything jewelry releated...it could involve something small or it could be a whole day spent working at the bench...with the assumption that just keeping jewelry visible every day, I would be making more jewelry so that when I had shows, I would have a good selection of pieces and wouldn't have to do marathon sessions to prepare...In reality, I am learning that isn't necessarily the case. I think to have a good quantity of inventory for a show, I need to have more concentrated efforts in the studio where I am focused for an extended period of time. I came to this conclusion as I prepare for my first show of the year which is next weekend...
But what I have learned by doing jewelry almost every day was that I am experimenting more and being more creative. Because I am not so focused on building inventory, I have been experimenting more and trying to create some new looks. The brass earrings in this post are a good example of this. Even though I have created mixed metal earring in the past, they were usually fairly simple. I have been able to play a little more...With these earrings, not only did I use texture ( in the past I would have stopped here) I played with layers and rivets to create something more...I really liked how they turned out...